February 14th: Valentine Or Quarantine? By Sanni Kay. Yusuf
Valentine – a day the girl’s life is irreparably damaged and her future irredeemably dashed. Val Day – a day the girl is voluntarily robbed of her dignity with no window for a second chance. Val Day – a day womanhood is unremorsefully rendered worthless and valueless.
Val Day – a day parents unknowingly lose their children to ‘valentinous’ vanity, and at old age, they are still nursing them as though they were grandbabies. Val Day – a day teenagers rush to take dinner at breakfast, not minding the not-too-far hunger that will befall them as repercussion. Val Day – a day the boy and/or the man is susceptible to STDs with a very high chance of communicability by family and friends. Val Day – a day the noble turn ignoble within a twinkling of an eye, and the ignoble remain unstable - forever. Indisputably, the most suitable appellative that befits the various messy happenings on the annual Valentine’s Day is nothing but Losers’ Day – not Lovers’ Day.
Africans are black not because their brains are dark, nor because their reasoning is stark. The blackness of their complexion is just a thing of nature. Allah wanted it as such and He made it as such. The white man isn’t light because his brain is right, nor because his reasoning has might. The whiteness of his colour is just a mere natural phenomenon as unquestionably willed and ultimately decreed by Allah. Therefore, man, generally, is human, irrespective of colour. No superiority, not inferiority!
Why then would the black take anything from the white hook, line and sinker – without questions as to its reasonability and rationality? I have no doubt that if what had led to the commemoration of Valentine’s Day every February 14th had happened to an African on the African soil, the white man wouldn’t have considered it worthy of celebration.
Must we take anything from the white? Even if anyone would, a muslim should not. A muslim would only take the ones that are in tandem with the Islamic manual – the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Anyone that is contravening, such as Val Day should be rejected outright.
There are about three versions of the St Valentine’s story according to Wiki. Which one do we believe? I am not even interested in doing any narration. For any good, adherent muslim, none of the versions is worth celebrating. And that the idea of fixing just one day to express love greatly defies logic and should be eschewed with immediate alacrity.
Some people do claim that love on this ‘auspicious’ day may be friend to friend, parant to child, neighbour to neighbour, teacher to student, boss to subordinate etc. So I ask: which was St Valentine’s that saw to his beheading as chastisement for treason against the Roman empire? Was the daughter of the Emperor he fell in love with his sister, mother, neighbour or subordinate? Mcheeeeew! People know how to easily rationalise when their actions are considered heretic. They have the mastery of how to abracadabrically turn black into white. And the gullible, the dogmas will surely not see the former but the latter. For Islam, black is black, and white is white, no matter the yellowish packaging.
Islam being a religion of peace, is founded upon love, which is to be expressed on a secondly, minutely, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, not annually basis.
Beware of valentine, so that you don’t get quarantined into the nest of sins.
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