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"Governor Ajimobi Is Not A Progressive But a Colonial Master"- Prof. Abideen Olaiya

Professor Abideen Olaiya of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta(FUNAAB) and Gubernatorial Candidate in Oyo State on the platform of Accord Party(AP), on Sunday said the Incumbent Governor of the State, Senator Abiola Ajimobi was never a progressive Politician, but a local colonizer of the people.

He made this known during a forum organised by Progress Coalition, a political movement comprises of young men and women of like passion vigorously committed to reinventing new Nigeria and engages politicians and political aspirants extensively on every matter that affects directly and indirectly the social, economic and well-being of the Nigeria people and Oyo State in particular in respective of Parties Affiliations, Religion, Ethnicity, Sex,  Region and Profession.

Professor Olaiya posited that he has no business in politics of the State if  good governance has been given to the people of the State. Professor of Crop Ecophysiology spoke against the backdrop of the bad governance of the incumbent which does not conform with the UN charter of eight characteristic of good governance; Citizen Welfare, Leadership Competence, Free and Basic Education with Bursary for public higher Institution, Development of Health Institution, Infrastructural Development & Maintenance, Transparency and Accountability with zero tolerance for corruption and inclusiveness of all citizen irrespective of natural circumstances.

The Governorship Aspirant under Accord Party  expressed his bitterness and said  Governor Ajimobi started by failing all of us, politicians in the State who invested our hard earned money and other resources on his Candidacy and winning election for him. He continued by not delivering good governance to the entire people of the State but rather achieved excellently in propaganda.Professor Olaiya said continued,  Governor Ajimobi has failed woefully in Democratic, Local Government, Education, Health Institutions, Civil Services and financial Administrations and Corruption Index while the Governor enjoyed passing propaganda and vengeance on anyone that expresses different opinion. He sees the incumbent governor as awesome  Emperor, who is bent on destruction of tradition.
While responding to questions, Professor Olaiya  opined that the State would not have ranked as one of the under developed State, if its resources had not been misapplied and mismanaged, stressing the need to approach its development with home grown person, strategy, carefully designed to develop its infrastructure without jeopardizing the well-being of the citizentry.

His responses reads in parts;
 It is unfortunate that we were betrayed  by the present occupant of the seat, he had high hope but he merely rode on our naivety of not searching well for his antecedentso f course yes, he is not amongst us but imposed on us by virtue of birthplace, he never shared our values, he comes as our local colonizer not comrades, our masters not colleagues

Former ASSU President, FUNNAB,  assured the people of the State that by virtue of his political and academic antecedent coupled with 25years in the political terrain without any stain, he have value to add to the State democratic ethos. He assured the people of the State that

   Assurance can only come from God, presently I am the only governorship aspirant in Accord Party till date but we cant rule out others coming behind. I am just the only candidate that stands out even compare with other political party aspirants in the State.

Professor attributed majors problems that it is common to any government  to that of the Incumbent who cannot be exonerated from which includes Stealing or Corruption, Wasteful in Government Business, Non- Innovative ideas in fund generation for government business and Non- Productive ventures relying on rent approach instead of investment in key productive sector but engaged mainly on consumptive ventures.
He promised that if given the opportunity he will manage the State economically, he asserted;

“The least we should be expecting is what was obtainable during my secondary days, we were given free Books, Tables and Chairs; Teachers are well motivated and thereby produce quality output as Public Schools, Public hospital are heavily subsidized to near zero payment and workers are well motivated for quality service delivery than any private health Institution.

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